1. Technical assurance in guaranteing wagon management and free acces on the public and private infrastructure in intern and international rail traffic includes the following:

• registering in our own rolling stock fleet
• treatment of obligation to pay wagons damages and compensation for loss of use in CGU traffic
• spare parts management (speditions, repatriations)
• wagon tracking in rail traffic( obtainig data on the location and status)
• expence accounts treatment in rail traffic

2. Rolling stock fleet management. Technical keeping for status of fleet, units and principals spare parts. Register card for overhaul periodicity, preventive and corrective maintenance.

3. Certification consulting services and products rail system - ECM, IRIS, TSI rolling stock subsystem.

4. In cooperation with our partners we offer guardianship services organization and rolling stock to obtain type approval.

5. Rolling stock maintenance contracting.

6. Rolling stock fleet maintenance consulting. Technical documentation elaboration of corrrective and preventive maintenance. Specification conditions for corrective and preventive maintenance.

7. Railway services acquisition consulting. Technical and economical acquisition conditions elaboration, modernisation, general overhaul scheduled overhauls, corrective maintenance.

8. Railway products acquisition consulting. Technical and economical acquisition conditions elaboration for new and second-hand rolling stock, units and spare parts.

9. Feasibility studies for the selection of the economical solutions for railway transport.

10. Consulting for eficient capitalization of the rolling stock fleet.

11. Representation in technical comissions.

12. Technical inspection services for railway products and services.

13. Consulting and representation at the national or european railway authority for the rolling stock authorization, homologation or technical approval .

14. Tracking devices for railway vehicles.